Tyler had absolutely crazy hair yesterday when he woke up from his nap. When he looks like this I think, oooohhh I need to get him to the barbershop today!! But then other times I think, oooohhh his hair is so cute, maybe I shouldn't cut it yet. So, since everyone knows how horrible I am at making decisions.... I thought I'd let you all help me on this decision. Please vote and feel free to leave your comments.
There are people out there who pay lots of money for that EXACT hair-do1
I say gel it up and call it intentional.LOL
Kyle says, "He looks like me with my hair all spiky" but he also voted that he needs a haircut. I say just trim around the ears and use some product and wahlah you will have one very cool little dude!
I voted "no". He's European and therefor entitled to a cool long haired doo. Give him at least another month or two.
Don't cut it. It's so cute!!!!
Maybe trim it a little. But do not cut off those cute curls around his ears!! He really looks sooo cute.
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