Thursday, February 5, 2009


Jeffrey has a new love!

After finishing 2 years of introduction to music, we were faced with the task of choosing an instrument. I signed him up for percussion, but the other kid didn't show up. Jeffrey sat down on the drum set and pounded away. The teacher said, "Well, if he has that much interest for the drums, you should consider just starting him there." So we did. I figured that our Rock Band drums would suffice for awhile at least. Three weeks into his lessons has been a short "while" however. He started crying after the second lesson, "when do I get my drum set?" We have been blessed to not have to buy one just yet, as we have a friend who had a set in his basement and has allowed us to borrow them for awhile.

Jeffrey can't stay away from them. Normally he is scared of the basement... that fear is suddenly gone. He runs down there several times during the day. (I know this will not last forever.) Today he started at 7:45am. I am glad we don't live in an apartment. He loves to rock out and "practice his beats". It is really fun to see how much energy and concentration he puts into it.

A side note on the subject of Jeffrey: today for lunch we had an interesting conversation. He said he wanted the other half of his heart back. If he hadn't been so serious I probably would have laughed, but instead I had to explain, that he never had a whole heart and he couldn't just get it back. Some things just come out of nowhere and really get you thinking. I suggested he could be happy that it was only a half a heart he was missing and not half of his leg or something, because this way he can still walk and run. The conversation took its turn.


Serenity Rachel said...

Abe will be proud to have another drummer in the family!

Darilyn said...

Hey, how do you like that book you are reading? What a sweet boy that Jeffrey is. Rock on dude.

Quinn said...

Actually I finished the book some time ago, but since I am currently not reading (on purpose - I have sooo many projects, I don't dare start a book right now) I have left the picture - I figure my friend can always use the advertising. Jason and I worked together at BYU. He is a funny guy and I hear his humor in his books. I really liked the story, I hadn't heard so many details of what it was like there in New Orleans, so that was very interesting from the background story and the main character is a photojournalist and I could relate to him on that level (at least in a small way.)

Gusti said...

I blame Rockband. It has changed lives in more profound ways than most people realize. Jeffrey ROCKS! Give him a big squeeze and and tell all your kids I can't wait to see them!

Franziska Patterson said...

Cool, I can't wait to hear Jeffrey on the drums. Somehow, I think that instrument is very fitting for him.

Terri said...

Had to quick check your blog Quinn, you Grandma "Q" had told me about Jeffery's question about his heart & how impressed she was with your answer. Good job!! Those are the tough ones that we pray our way through with our kids.
Love you, Mom

Renee (and Eric) said...

Hey-ya. I have an Isaac that would just be completely envious of those drums in the basement. I already see something similar in his future. My guys are five, three and 18 months. My last two pregnancies were marked "elderly" in the charts. No kidding. I pine for another--baby. Think it might have been fun to have a girl in the mix. Would love a foreign girl adoption, BUT I am abundantly blessed with all that I have now. And for now it's enough. I try not to want it (or any aspect of my life) any differently for fear I'll be found ungrateful. The whole moving to Tahiti thing has been a mind bender. I know it might seem a little funny, but I have felt so buoyed by the presence of friends on the internet from all over. It's soothing to my chaotic soul of right now to hear pleasant voices of happy/normal/ups and downs living. How's that for some afternoon stream of conscience! Thanks for being you and being out there. I check in just to hear you laugh and see you smile. Warms up any day.

Robyn said...

Rock out Jeffrey!!! Fun to catch up on everyone.